Data SGP

Data SGP is an analysis tool designed to take longitudinal student assessment data and use it to generate statistical growth plots (SGP), providing visual evidence of student progress relative to academic peers. SGPs are constructed based on students’ standardized test scores and covariate information using a “growth standard”, established through prior testing history that more accurately measures progress than traditional percentile scores do.

Teachers can utilize SGP analyses to measure student performance accurately and make informed decisions regarding classroom instruction. Yet some educators may misunderstand the benefits and limitations of SGP. Many believe it to be expensive and time-consuming to implement, yet most of this work involves simply gathering data for analysis rather than actually running it itself.

The SGP data sets sgptData_LONG and sgpData_SGP_LONG provide the data necessary for performing SGP analyses, including WIDE format sgpData which simulates time dependent data used by lower level functions such as studentGrowthPercentiles and studentGrowthProjections; an anonymized set called sgptData_LONG which includes instructor number and student identifiers along with assessment record dates which allows individual level growth and achievement plots to be created.

SGP Working Groups have several goals, one being analyzing multiproxy sedimentary geochemical data from Neoproterozoic through Paleozoic time periods to generate a global dataset. SGP members have made great efforts to collect existing data, generate geochemical measurements and construct multi-proxy datasets necessary for analysis. This work involved collecting or creating a variety of geochemical parameters (iron, carbon, sulfur, major and trace metals etc) as well as developing the necessary geochemical models to process and analyze this data. SGP Working Groups have also created new methodologies for interpreting and analyzing data from multiple proxies, and advanced the methods of creating thematic maps of geological time. At present, SGP’s maps and methodologies are being tested with various groups around the world to gauge their usefulness in creating new shale geochemical data for wider community use. As a result, SGP is now poised to assist in their creation. This will be an impressive accomplishment over the coming years and promises to yield invaluable new insight into geological processes and patterns around the globe. This research is an essential contribution to global scientific community, providing new knowledge that will inform new exploration strategies and aid resource recovery efforts. Furthermore, its results offer vital insight into climate change impacts on sedimentary environments. SGP looks forward to sharing its results with its community members!